Wednesday, March 25, 2009


sorry i missed yesterday.. the only thing that happened was that i took sardines cause i needed to get home and there was a guy with no front teeth who was talking to the guy next to him really really loud.

so today i took iwantotgohome, but it was a new "hybrid" bus. it was sooooooo cool.. it had steps in the back. it was so nice. and the bus driver, who ive had before, was so nice. he told me he liked my earrings. and have a nice day when i got off.

then i took the Longway and there were like 3 women with babies. it was odd. and for some reason a lot of elderly get on this bus i dont know why. ok so i get off the bus and im walking and i find that i cant cross a street to get to my block cuse of roadwork. so i have to go like all the way down the all the way back up again it was annoying.

and i just found out that they are raising the bus fares to 3.50.which means that it will cost me 14$ to get home from school every week. so i am not a happy buser.

see you tomorrow!


Mamasoo said...

What do you mean $3.50? Are you kidding? I can't even use the unlimited ride cards anymore?

It's a sad day.

By the way- you're in English honors. Write in English, not teen speak.

Sincerely, your mother

soulspeak23 said...

I think I need to call a Waaaambulance for you. $14 a week is nothing compared to the $50 a week I used to pay!!!