Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Don't Get Mad

I saw a lot of people get mad today. But it was their fault. So here is a massage to them.


  • guys make cat calls at you when you have your thong sticking out of your pants and you aren't wearing a bra
  • people give you dirty looks when your child is running amok and you aren't doing anything about it
  • when people push you out of the way when you cut the line
  • when your hear exasperated sighs from the people behind you while we wait for you to dig 22 dimes and a nickel out of your huge purse
  • when people get mad when they trip over your 800 grocery bags that you insist need to be in the middle of the aisle
  • when people walk around you because you are walking slower than a snail on a turtle and we have a bus to catch
  • when people yell at you for whacking them in the head with your bag while you walk down the asile (I witnessed this today- almost turned into a fistfight- it was hilarious)
  • when the bus driver doesn't stop at your stop when you don't push the stop button.
people need to get over themselves. They are not the only ones on this earth

Monday, June 6, 2011


Today, the Toddler was late and packed. I have never seen it so crowded. There was a woman on the bus yelling.. no.. screaming into her phone. I could hear it over my music. This is what i gathered from the story. The woman has a baby daddy, whom she had 2 kids with but they are no longer together. She now has a new boyfriend. Her children are telling the baby daddy that the woman and her new bf are beating them. For example the woman tells the boyfriend to hold one kid down while she beats it. And the Lawsons are rude and disrespectful. Now i am not one to judge, but do you really want to have a whole bus load of people hearing this?? There are children on this bus and you are cursing like a sailor. No need to be so loud. Nobody wants to hear your business lady.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Smelly Men

Hello everyone,

Today started off well enough on the buses, I got on Toddler alright and Belated was only a little late. I had a seat to myself (I still sat next to the window. I detest people who sit on the aisle seat and make you squeeze past them to the empty seat next to them, while they give you dirty looks like how dare you sit next to me on the public transportation system) The bus left Hell and about 4 stops later this rather large man got on the bus. (now let me just say there were a lot of empty double seats) He decided to sit next to me. He smushed me against the wall i had to practically dislocate my arm from between the wall and myself to access my ipod. Then about 5 stops later he needed to get off. The bell to stop the bus was next to the seat in front of me. He reached up, and I almost died. His armpits smelled like gym socks and a locker room. It was awful. And to top it all off, he hit the woman in front of us in the head trying to reach the bell. But his pits were so bad, the smell lingered after he got off. I swear I thought i was going to suffocate. Thank goodness i got off a few stops later. Man, get some deodorant!

Thank you for reading. I have decided that I will not be posting stories from my job here, I have made another blog called Slice of Insanity for work nuts. Please, go forth and comment!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Hello again!

So, it has been a long time. But, I am back! I am not in school at the moment, but I do have a job now that requires public transportation everyday. I take 2 busses to my job and thus, they need names. I shall call the one I take from my house to the Terminal (which will now be known as Hell) Toddler, since it is unpredictable and most of the drivers are very moody. The one that drops me off at the front door at my job, shall be called Belated. This bus is NEVER on time. Except Sundays. (Fun Fact, this is the bus that used to be called Shortcut in my old posts). I have also decided that maybe, if I am feeling up to it, I will post storieds about my job as well. I cannot say the name of my business, but all you need to know is that I deal with people directly, and it is in the Fast Food Pizza business. And I don't make enough. haha. No stories today, but I will be writing posts in the notepad of my phone so I don't forget. Tune in for more!!